The radioluminescent light emitted by a trigalight® can be produced in several colours in the visible spectrum (green, yellow, orange, red, blue, ice-blue, white, purple and pink) as well as in infra-red. Light output is linear and follows a straight line to a half-life of 7 years. They require no external electrical supply (from mains or battery) nor do they need to be charged by ambient light. Trigalight® performance is predictable through their service life whether or not installed in permanent darkness and irrespective of weather conditions.
Because a trigalight® is non-emissive and utilises very low levels of energy, they are safe to use in a wide range of applications. For example, GTLS technology is type-approved for use in fire safety signs for the workplace under HSE Certificate of Approval No TA2.
Gaseous tritium produces electrons that are of sufficiently low energy as to be unable to breach a sheet of paper or to penetrate human skin. Nevertheless, care must be taken when handling these devices to avoid breakage and subsequent ingestion of residual gaseous tritium. Detailed information addressing aspects of human safety relating to GTLS is available upon request.